Monday, June 25, 2012


I have been working on the bodice of my daughters wedding gown.  I have the everything fitting nicely and it looks great as long as she does move her arms.  Still trying to figure out how to fix the problem.  

In the mean time I took a break and made several blouses and a skirt.  The blouse is a Connie Crawford pattern. 

Also along with working, I was bit by a spider that I had an allergic reaction to because he let his fang behind in my leg.  Three stitches later it is healing up. 

Then we found this 8 foot snaked near the front porch.  Just a black rat snake and they are harmless but since he eats small animals including squirrels and  rabbits, I did not want to chance that my 4 pound dog would become dinner. Been an interesting month.   

I hope to have some wedding dress pictures to post soon.